Workers Compensation Board of Prince Edward Island
Firm Number Lookup

WCB uses unique Firm Numbers to identify PEI employers. We request this information on various forms, including an Employer’s Report of Accident form. By knowing which employer a worker belongs to, it can reduce processing times of forms.

Use the tool below to locate your company’s WCB Firm Number.

Note: If you cannot locate your company using this tool, please contact WCB Employer Services at (902) 368-5680 for assistance. Many companies operate using a different name than their legal name and can be difficult to locate and others have several different Firm Numbers for the same company. If you are not sure of the correct employer, please call or leave the field blank on the form, do not guess as this can slow down processing of documents.

Search Criteria
For assistance determining your WCB Firm Number, please contact WCB Employer Services at (902) 368-5680, or toll-free (Atlantic Canada) 1-800-237-5049.